WBLS Is Celebrating 50 Years Of Hip Hop All Year Long!
It was August 11, 1973 where DJ Kool Herc famously through his Back To School Jam at 1520 Sedgwick Ave. in the Bronx.
This party symbolizes the birth of hip hop to many, and music and the culture was never the same again.
Over the years we have seen hip hop grow in ways it was never thought of in its infancy. These days it is the most popular genre of music, and the most reenacted culture when it comes to slang, clothing, dance, and more.
All 2023, WBLS will be celebrating hip hop with exclusive video series, social media posts, on-air segments, and much more!
You will also be hearing stories from legendary DJ's from WBLS including DJ Red Alert, DJ Chuck Chillout, Marley Marl, and more!
That's not all! All year long you will also see, and hear how the marriage of hip hop & r&b and how both genres used each other to grow their cultures not only nationally, but bring inspiration across the world.
Salute The DJ shines the light and pays respect to the DJ’s as they give their flowers to their peers. DJ Enuff, DJ Clark Kent, DJ Kid Capri, DJ Wallah, and DJ Chuck Chillout host a three episode series on the history and art of hip hop from the past, present, and future.
That’s not all. There are much more to come!